Búsqueda por tema: C++ (Computer program language) 013491
Mostrando 1-9 de 9 resultados, ordenados por
1. Object-oriented and classical software engineering / Stephen R. Schach. — 6th ed. 2005

2. C++ primer / Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie. — 3rd ed. 1998

3. Objects and systems : principled design with implementations in C++ and Java / Bernard P. Zeigler. 1997

4. AI agents in virtual reality worlds : programming intelligent VR in C++ / Mark Watson. 1996

5. Writing compilers and interpreters / Ronald Mak. — 2nd ed. 1996

6. Windows 95 multimedia & ODBC API bible / Richard J. Simon ... [et al.]. 1996

7. C/C++ for expert systems / David Hu. 1989

8. An introduction to object-oriented programming and C++ / by Richard S. Wiener, Lewis J. Pinson. 1988

9. The C++ programming language / Bjarne Stroustrup. 1986

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